
After rummaging many nooks throughout the world for vintage fabrics for the past couple of years, a first attempt prior with another project and the numerous fundraising events put on, we have finally begun our collaborative fan-making project with DAWN (Development Action for Women’s Network). 

In this project we are aiming to create handcrafted ladies fans made from vintage retaso (off cuts) and 50+-year-old recycled woods. Our project intends to advocate issues through our example of alternative trade partnerships, social business and fair trade. Hopefully after two months, we will have a collection of hand-made fans to bring home with us, so we can exhibit to share, not only our story but also the women’s.

From our first few weeks with the women it is clear, our success lies within those simple details and relationships. We are searching and attempting to find that perfect balance between social progress and business. We realise from past experience and also the present that this is only possible through trial and error. Our concept grows with us, it always has. We like to keep everything open in mind, grow with the changes and face our challenges with positivity (and laughter & chocolate and/or ice cream). We are now at the stage where we feel strong and sentimental that our idea has grown with us and has amounted to actual productivity.

We have now come to a point (quite timely really since it’s the festive season in a catholic country), where we have built a nice and comfortable rapport with the women we work directly with. We dance, sing, share our lunches and know when one is just not in the mood. At this point we are reminded (once again) that mothers are always right, success does lay within those minor details.

Cornstarch-ing has become our life. We dig it.

Til next time,

Curly & Tree
